Repainting the Backdrop of Life

Somatic Personal Practice

Repainting the Backdrop of Life

What does the backdrop of your day look and feel like?

Hurry? Fear? Obsession? Confusion? Hope?

One way we could talk about trauma healing work is that we are gradually repainting the backdrop of our day-to-day experience. Lightening the clouds of fear. Painting in some flowers of joy. Shifting some grays to brighter colors.

How do we do that? Patience, intention, curiosity, and gentleness.

Notice what your backdrop looks and feels like. Notice where you can shift your attention away from dread or stress and toward gentleness or joy, even for short moments. Look for things that are delightful, like the trees moving in the wind. Intentionally soften and slow down to savor that which is lovely.

As we do this several times a day, it begins to change the flavor of the whole backdrop. Small changes around the edges add up over time and turn into larger changes in how we experience ourselves and our lives.

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