Somatic Personal Practice
One thing we lose when we have unresolved trauma is the ability to relate to things as “matter of fact”.
I aspire to have a measured and straightforward response even in the most stressful or horrifying situations. This is not minimizing the reality of what is awful. Remaining regulated and grounded allows us to make better decisions and take more helpful actions.
But with unresolved trauma, we are frequently spun out by experiences and circumstances that are not horrifying and that are objectively quite minor.
This is not easy to remedy because these inner responses are deeply ingrained and automatic.
Here is a place to start:
“I remember that I’m supported.
I don’t have to be perfect, it’s ok to make mistakes.
I will get through this.
I am noticing my breath, I am noticing my feet on the ground.
It’s ok for me to be me.”