“I can do things!”

Somatic Personal Practice

“I can do things!”

“I can do things!”, the intersection of agency, competence, confidence, self-identity and self worth, can be significantly impacted by developmental trauma.

Even at things we do well, we can feel like we are always at risk of failing or that we are constantly being watched and judged.

And when learning new things, it can feel like an impossible uphill climb, as if the body ‘knows’ “I can’t possibly do this.”

This is not simple to solve, there is much hidden inside us including grief, pain, contradictions and struggles for power.

But here are some places to start:

“I’m taking a breath and remembering I’m supported.”

“It’s ok that what I’m doing feels awkward and uncomfortable.”

“It’s ok to move at my pace (even if I think I should be faster.)”

“I forgive myself for not being able to do more, faster, or better.”

“I remember that I am a blessing and it’s ok to be me.”


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