Wow, what a week it has been! I hope that you are well, in body, mind, and spirit. 😘 Here is my story: On Wednesday I sat down to record a new version of a healing practice that I wanted to share with you. I was all set, I had updated the script and reviewed it carefully. I would record the new version, listen to it to make sure it worked, and then write up my weekly email and send you the link.😥 That didn’t happen. 😬The state of our nervous system in any moment has a huge impact on anything we do. For me to record an effective healing meditation, my nervous system needs to be in a state of calm, aliveness, generosity, and peace. I read the headlines about what was happening in Washington DC, and what happened in my nervous system was definitely not peace. At first I thought I could settle enough to do the recording, and finally I realized that was not realistic. |
Notice your body, trust your body, don’t try to force it. |