Introduction – Start Here!
There is an epidemic of developmental trauma in our world today. I’m creating this video course as part of my contribution toward reversing the trend of ever increasing trauma in the world.
Click here to read my full introduction and a guide to using the course.
Module 1 – Slowing down, getting curious, noticing safety, kindness for self
Trauma healing does tend to include diving into that which is constricted, painful, arduous, and intolerable. But it just doesn’t work for us to start there. We want to contact painful places from a vantage point of hope, connection, and support. We want to be resourced and resilient. So we don’t start with what’s painful, we start by noticing, relating to, and looking for that which is pleasant, supportive, neutral, organizing, and connected. This theme will persist through all the modules in this course. Module 1 explains why we tend to be disconnected from what is pleasant or supportive and how to begin to make space for neutral, pleasant, and “good” in our bodies and our lives (even when our lives are demanding, challenging and overwhelming.)
Click here for the Module 1 video lectures and practices (add hotlink)